Introducing AirPRO+
A Revolutionary Airborne Sanitisation Technology.
AirPRO+ 科研與科技
Active Ingredient
Our active ingredient is chlorine dioxide, a stable oxidising free radical able to transfer O2 to microorganisms while gaining one or more electrons via oxidation-reduction (redox). It does not hydrolyse in water but exists as a dissolved gas in solution. Chlorine Dioxide is active on single cell organisms and has no effect on complex organisms. Together with other proprietary ingredients, AirPRO+ is the promising agent uniquely capable of sanitizing air efficiently and safely.
How Does It Work?
AirPRO+ deactivating pathogen’s membrane
AirPRO+ 針對單細胞病原體細胞膜攻擊,快速殺滅
Pathogen’s desintegration
AirPRO+ is tested and proven by the renowned university to eradicate the actual Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2 virus. Effective against Omicron, Delta, IHU and other Covid-19 variants.
AirPRO+經著名大學測試證實可殺滅真實的2019冠狀病毒SARS-CoV-2 病原體,亦有效對抗Omicron, Delta, IHU及其他變種病毒。
Acts Fast. Lasts Long.
極速啟動, 功效持久
Kills 99.99% of covid virus, bacteria & fungi
99.99%; 殺滅新冠病毒,細菌及真菌 -
5 seconds
Fast on-set within 5 seconds
5秒極速起動殺菌功能 -
3 hours
Continuously sanitises the air for 3 Hours
3小時持久空氣消毒 -
8 hours
Continuously sanitises surfaces & garments for 8 hours
Medically Safe
Safe for pregnancy
Safe for inhalation, eye and skin contact
吸入. 眼睛,皮膚接觸安全
Safe for pets & animals
Safe for food
Non-allergenic, non-carcinogenic, no alchohol 不致癌 不含酒精
Non-toxic, non-corrosive, pH neutral
Highly Efficient
Using AirPRO+ diffuser results in 130% improvement in pathogens eradication efficiency by 1 min.*
*Testing performed by a single independent internationally-accredited laboratory. Venue of on-site testing: indoor office area with standardised air sampling methodologies and equipment. Samples are incubated at 30C for 2 days.
Curated by Medical Doctors Specializing in Airborne Diseases
Supported by medical specialist in Respiratory Medicine, the doctors that fight airborne transmitted respiratory diseases including SARS, tuberculosis, with valuable experience in fighting the 2003 SARS as frontline clinician. Now dedicated to the battle against Covid-19
Valuable experience in fighting the 2003 SARS as frontline clinician.
Develop protection against Covid virus airborne transmission by evidenced medical science and advanced biotechnologies.
Scientifically researched by biomedical scientists with expertise in airborne sanitisation.
The passion and dedication of a group of Biomedical Scientists (PhD) developed the technology behind AirPRO+ with a mission to win the battle against airborne infections.
The technology resolves the problems of common disinfectants that can be hazardous to humans.
AirPRO+ is uniquely effective and SAFE, both for humans and the environment.
Manufactured in Hong Kong.
Tested & Proven
They’re Backing Us
由iCleanic 強效保護
Certificates & Lab Results
Covid SARS-CoV-2 Virus Eradication
Conducted by: University of British Columbia
Report by :
CMA Testing
Test results confirmed that iCleanic AirPRO+ can eradicate 99.99% of the Covid SARS-CoV-2 virus within 1 min.
Performance Test for Lift Lobbies
Report by :
CMA Testing
On-site testing confirmed that iCleanic AirPRO+ start sanitising indoor air within just 5 seconds.
Before & after test for airborne bacteria in office and domestic areas.
Test results confirmed that iCleanic AirPRO+ indoor sanitisation effects can sustain for 3 hours.
Report by :
CMA Testing
Before & after test for airborne bacteria in office and domestic areas.
Report by :
CMA Testing
Test results confirmed that iCleanic AirPRO+ surface (wall, MVAC) effect can sustain for 8 hours.
Before & after test for airborne bacteria in office and domestic areas.
Report by :
CMA Testing
Test results confirmed that iCleanic AirPRO+ surface (floor & garments) effect can sustain for 8 hours.
Bacteria and Fungus Report
Report by :
CMA Testing
Test results confirmed that iCleanic AirPRO+ eradicates 99.99% of most bacteria and fungus.